Call Us At: 033 - 2680 5136 / 5288

About Us

"There is no higher religion than human services. To work for the common good is the highest creed." ~ Albert Schweitzer

Diptakshia Eye Surgery & Medical Centre is a high-tech Eye Center offering comprehensive Eye Care facilities in West Bengal, India.

It started in the year 2010. Within a few years of its inception, Diptakshi has become an icon of dynamic progress in the field of Ophthalmology. The center has the most sophisticated equipment and facilities offering state-of-the-art technology to treat various eye disorders. The main areas of focus are comprehensive eye care, education, community services.

The guiding philosophy at Diptakshi is a desire to provide specialty services with personal touch at prices affordable by all. Here we provide comprehensive management for eye ailments like Cataracts, Biometry, Glaucoma, Squint, Oculoplastics etc.

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Services Offered

Our Advanced Cataract, Retina, Glaucoma and Pediatric Ophthalmology Clinics are equipped with the most sophisticated diagnostic & surgical technology. Our team will offer you the highest level of comfort & after care that your Eyes deserve. Trust and leave your Eye Care with us.

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News & Updates


Quick Contact

Diptakshi Eye Surgery & Medical Centre
Pankhatuly, Pipulpati, Hooghly
Pin - 712103, West Bengal
Phone: 033-2680-5136, 2680-5288
